Optimising Mental Health in a Virtual World – Connecting from a Distance

College of Psychiatrists of Ireland Medical Student and Intern Essay Prize 2021 Runner Up


  • Niall O'Rourke School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, Ireland


Mental health, Technology, Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy, Virtual therapy, Evidence-based psychiatry


• The use of modern technology and virtual approaches to mental health therapy is growing in importance across a diverse range of disorders.

• While existing mental health therapies have been successfully adapted to virtual modes of delivery, modern technology is also driving exciting novel therapies.

• Studies suggest virtual approaches to mental health care have both advantages and disadvantages. Further study and a cautious, evidence-based approach is key.

• The complex and co-morbid nature of psychiatry means that patients will continue to require assessment and management by specialists. Virtual therapies are useful components of a stepped-care model, however patients with severe mental health problems will continue to require in-person care.


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How to Cite

O’Rourke, N. (2022). Optimising Mental Health in a Virtual World – Connecting from a Distance: College of Psychiatrists of Ireland Medical Student and Intern Essay Prize 2021 Runner Up. Trinity Student Medical Journal , 21(1), 5–7. Retrieved from https://ojs.tchpc.tcd.ie/index.php/tsmj/article/view/2164

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