New neurons in the adult hippocampus: Hope or hype?


  • André Mendonça Madaleno School of Medicine, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland




Stem-cell research has caused a paradigm shift in our understanding of brain function and regeneration. Discovery of the production of func- tional neurons in the adult hippocampus, a neurogenic niche of the cen- tral nervous system (CNS), has refuted the long held theory proposed by Ramon y Cajal that in the CNS “everything may die, nothing may be regenerated”. Neurotrophic factors, activity-dependent neurogenesis, downregulation factors and post-translational regulatory mechanisms seem to interact in a complex and still ill-explored fashion to control this endogenous regenerative process. Moreover, in animal models, upregu- lation of neurogenesis is achieved with fluoxetine and other antidepres- sant therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), demonstrating the clinical relevance of this mechanism. In fact, recent studies suggest that the upregulation of neurogenesis might also provide treatments for conditions such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke.


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How to Cite

Madaleno, A. M. (2010). New neurons in the adult hippocampus: Hope or hype?. Trinity Student Medical Journal , 11(1), Page 41–47. Retrieved from

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