Special Issue Foreword: Audiovisual cultural policy in Ireland


  • Maria O'Brien


audiovisual policy, film policy, media policy, Irish film, history of film


The aim of this introduction is to provide a brief history of policy interventions in Ireland towards the audiovisual industries; to identify some key themes from the contents of this special issue, but also to think about why this special issue is timely. It interrogates issues of culture, of policy, definitions of the audiovisual, but primarily interrogations of how these questions and issues are framed by national, supranational and global policymakers.


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How to Cite

O’Brien, M. (2024). Special Issue Foreword: Audiovisual cultural policy in Ireland. Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, 10(2), 1–7. Retrieved from https://ojs.tchpc.tcd.ie/index.php/ijamcp/article/view/2887