A Gender-just Peace in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka: The Power of Intersectional Peacebuilding
Intersectional Peace Modelling, Critical Peace Studies, Post-Conflict Sri-Lanka, Tamil Women, NGO Feminism, Disability and Social Justice, Gender-just PeaceAbstract
This article examines the intersectional peace approach and assesses its effectiveness in acquiring a gender-just peace within a post-conflict society. This line of reasoning has been empirically exemplified through the gendered advocacy work of rural disabled Tamil women in post-conflict Sri Lanka. In recent times, the liberal peace model has become widely critiqued, resulting in a novel grounding of intersectionality into many contemporary peacebuilding initiatives. This has resulted in a more human-centred peace framework, uplifting the most marginalised voices within a conflict-affected community. Centrally, this article postulates that an intersectional peace approach is an effective method of attaining a gender-just peace, as it can act as a tool of empowerment, mobilising the most marginalised to transgress patriarchal norms and redefine the gender hierarchy upheld within a post-conflict society.
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