‘What Makes a Monster?’ Female Villains and Violence in Dark Places and We Need to Talk About Kevin.


  • Eavan Noonan Trinity College Dublin


Monstrous Motherhood, Monstrous Womb, Monstrous Femininity, Domestic Noir, Bodily Horror


The figure of the ‘bad’ mother has become more significant in 21st century popular culture - from the obliquely horrific mother of Hereditary to the comic Bad Moms there is a revitalised interest in deconstructing the image of motherhood. In Dark Places and We Need To Talk About Kevin both Gillian Flynn and Lionel Shriver discuss the cultural implications of being a ‘bad’ mother- being violent, uncaring and even murderous, and demonstrate that why someone is monstrous is often more complex than what the monster is in actuality.


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Author Biography

Eavan Noonan, Trinity College Dublin

The figure of the ‘bad’ mother has become more significant in 21st century popular culture - from the obliquely horrific mother of Hereditary to the comic Bad Moms there is a revitalised interest in deconstructing the image of motherhood. In Dark Places and We Need To Talk About Kevin both Gillian Flynn and Lionel Shriver discuss the cultural implications of being a ‘bad’ mother- being violent, uncaring and even murderous, and demonstrate that why someone is monstrous is often more complex than what the monster is in actuality.



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