Gender, Power and Technology: Is Trolling a Man’s Sport?
Incel Culture, Online Culture Wars, CyberPsychology, Digital Spaces, The Manosphere, Online Trolling, E-Bile, Doxxing, Digital Masculinity, Technology and GenderAbstract
With the rise of social media, centuries-old norms surrounding the hatred of women have resurfaced in a manner that can seem more intense than ever before. The increased interconnectivity of our modern world means that it can be almost impossible for women online to avoid vitriolic abuse. This essay analyses the phenomenon of online trolling, highlighting its distinctly gendered nature, and emphasizing the idea that misogyny is certainly not dead. The cultural norms of online communication differ profusely from in-person interactions, and thus the disinhibition effect allows for people to behave in otherwise unacceptable ways.
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