Sex Work* in Shanghai in the period 1911-1940
The Subaltern, Sex Work, Shanghai, Twentieth Century Chinese History, Postwar History, Gender, Gender Studies, History of Sexuality, History of Sex WorkAbstract
When studying sex work*, the chief problem the historian is faced with is the difficulty of accessing the voice of the sex workers* themselves. Gail Hershatter draws on Gayatri Spivak’s idea of the subaltern, when she notes that the subaltern cannot represent itself in discourse, and so must be inferred by the records around them. Sex Work in Shanghai was understood through a variety of different, unfixed categories; as a marker of national decay, the profession of schemers, a source of urbanised pleasure, a disease both moral and physical, as an economic choice women had to make. This essay will examine different categories in sex work, how these were viewed, and if the hierarchy of sex work was a fluid one. It will then examine attitudes towards ancillary forms of sex work, such as the professions of masseuses and taxi dancers and then discuss the position of the authorities in relation to this work. Finally, it will examine how the sale of sexual services was perceived politically.
*The author originally uses the term prostitution however the current Editorial Board of Volume V would substitute the term for sex work.
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· P. O. Q, “Correspondence”, The China Press (Shanghai, 1925), Sept 15, 1925.
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